How to Create “Scroll Stopping” Posts
If you are anything like me, you probably find yourself on Instagram endlessly scrolling until you find a post that catches your attention. What about this post caught your attention? Was it a witty quote? An eye-catching photo? A promising video? I like to call these kinds of posts "scroll-stoppers". These posts stop your scroll, catch your attention, and make you want to find out more. In this post, I'm going to show you how to make scroll-stopping posts for your Instagram. The two types of posts I'll cover in this blog are client photos and images with text.
Let's talk about client photos first. For your client photos to be "scroll-stoppers", they should first be bright, clear, and lively. Make sure that the area you are taking photos in is well lit. Clear and crisp pictures will stand out amongst the feed. If you are able to, try to include your client's face in the picture. This can be more interesting to look at than photos that zoom in and only show your work such as a haircut or lashes. Other great examples of scroll stoppers are before and after photos of your work.
Read my tips for taking better client photos here
Next, let's talk about images with text. These are the graphics that you post that say things like "Appointments are Available" or any other announcement you want to make to your clients. The text on these graphics should be clear and easy to read. Stay away from distracting fonts, colors, and backgrounds. If you haven't already, pick out the font and colors that you will use for your brand and stick to them when making posts. Not only will this give your page a cohesive feel, but it will also let followers know a post is yours when they see it. Lastly, if you can, add a photo of your work to your graphics. This will make it more interesting to look at.
Book custom graphics for your Instagram here
Use these tips and tricks to make scroll stopping posts today!
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