5 Types of Content You Should Be Creating as a Beauty Pro

Are you posting client photos every day and not getting any engagement? It’s time to mix up that content! In this blog post, I’ll be talking about the five content pillars most commonly used on social media, when you should use them, and why. Keep reading for the goods!


The purpose of this content is to promote and share your service, product, or offer. While other types of content can still lead to sales and appointments booked, promotional content has a clear call to action that asks your audience to purchase a product or book a service. The sole purpose is to promote.

Examples of promotional content include client photos, client videos, product photos, product demo videos, client testimonials, and sales flyers.

Promotional content should be mixed into your content strategy as a beauty pro, but it shouldn’t be overused as it can become boring and redundant to your audience. Promotional content should be used more during a sale, promo period, launch, or your salon schedule opening.

The amount of promotional content you publish will also depend on your goals. If your goal is to book more new client appointments, you would use more promotional content than someone whose goal is to build their personal brand.


The purpose of educational content is to teach your audience about a topic or how to do something.

Examples of educational content include beauty tips related to your industry, product and tool tutorials, and style tutorials. A lash tech recording a reel of how they make their lash fans or how to clean your lashes at home are examples of educational content.

Every beauty pro should include some type of educational content in their content strategy, as it positions you as a credible source for information in your industry. Beauty pros that offer a course, class, workshop, or e-book should focus heavily on educational content in their strategy. Why? This content will position you as a credible source and thought leader. When your audience has learned something from you for free, they are more likely to pay for more information.

If you’re selling a course or class to other beauty pros, your educational content should teach other beauty pros how to do something, like how to create lash fans. If you’re not selling a course or class to other beauty pros, you should focus on content that educates a potential client, like how to clean your lashes at home.


The purpose of this content is to entertain and evoke emotion from your audience.

Examples of entertaining content include funny or relatable reels, memes, videos, or a storytime related to the beauty service you offer.

Entertaining content should 100% be a part of your content plan as it encourages engagement, is likely to be shared, and shows your personality.

Engagement & Community

This content encourages your audience to engage and connect with you, thus growing your online community. Often people will complain about not getting engagement on posts but they haven’t published content that encourages engagement.

Examples of engaging content include memes, relatable posts, Q & A sessions, lives, polls, and conversation starters about trending topics or news. Captions on these types of posts should encourage your audience to comment and engage. Ex: “How do you all feel about _____? Let me know in the comments below.”

Engaging content is a strategy must-have as it grows and connects your online community. Every beauty pro should include this type of content in their strategy.


Inspirational content tells your personal story of how you became the beauty pro you are today. This helps your audience to further connect and relate to you. Everyone loves a good story. Inspirational content should motivate your audience.

Examples of this type of content include your personal story, how and why you became a beauty pro, where you started vs where you are now.

Every beauty pro should include inspirational or personal story content in their strategy. Stand out from the crowd and let your audience know that you’re a real person that has a genuine passion for beauty.

These are the five types of content you should be creating as a beauty pro. Remember to mix it up and use some types more than others when appropriate. After trying out these new content styles, review your analytics. Keep doing what works and adjust the things that don’t work. You got this!


What to Include in your Bio as a Beauty Pro


Choosing Content Pillars for Your Social Media Strategy